26 October, 2009

04 September, 2009

Sadness Machine/Dead Horizon/Egg Benefit

It turns out (out OUT out) Doctor Shmoctor Shawn Mcgee is alive and kick-ing. (noBODY cares)   Object:  Women. Objectify Men. When Lilly Elaine Warhol gave up living the last sprints of her esprit/spirit/back seat of the funHERal was made public like Doctor alive turns out WOMEN.  I don't have to watch the country speak.  I can fold a sleep  ashlepp.STIGLITZ FUTURE PREGNANCY Pre=Nancy.  A sheep is impossible.A Murder is impossible.agaggleisimpossible.  

I awoke at about 3:17 am on Friday.

I awoke next to the idiot of the planes.  Object:  Turn-out.  Doctor, can you make public my records.  ROCERDINGS. Pro-Crispy Lover.  Sushi Names. Orgy Roll.  Sex On Stonehenge Roll.  The Tiny Death Roll.  Rock AND Roll. Dejected Disjected Lover Roll.  Role.

15 April, 2009

Some pictures around the Rose Quarter

13 April, 2009

This is what happens when you come back from the coast

You start a blog.  About Oregon history, numbers, its myths and realities.

A little bit about personal stories.  A little bit about personal computer stories.

But current.  For Portland.  For Portlanders, bye Portlanders.

See you there!