04 September, 2009

Sadness Machine/Dead Horizon/Egg Benefit

It turns out (out OUT out) Doctor Shmoctor Shawn Mcgee is alive and kick-ing. (noBODY cares)   Object:  Women. Objectify Men. When Lilly Elaine Warhol gave up living the last sprints of her esprit/spirit/back seat of the funHERal was made public like Doctor alive turns out WOMEN.  I don't have to watch the country speak.  I can fold a sleep  ashlepp.STIGLITZ FUTURE PREGNANCY Pre=Nancy.  A sheep is impossible.A Murder is impossible.agaggleisimpossible.  

I awoke at about 3:17 am on Friday.

I awoke next to the idiot of the planes.  Object:  Turn-out.  Doctor, can you make public my records.  ROCERDINGS. Pro-Crispy Lover.  Sushi Names. Orgy Roll.  Sex On Stonehenge Roll.  The Tiny Death Roll.  Rock AND Roll. Dejected Disjected Lover Roll.  Role.